
Motive Mo"tive, n. [F. motif, LL. motivum, from motivus moving, fr. L. movere, motum, to move. See {Move}.] 1. That which moves; a mover. [Obs.] --Shak. [1913 Webster]

2. That which incites to action; anything prompting or exciting to choise, or moving the will; cause; reason; inducement; object; motivation[2]. [1913 Webster]

By motive, I mean the whole of that which moves, excites, or invites the mind to volition, whether that be one thing singly, or many things conjunctively. --J. Edwards. [1913 Webster]

3. (Mus.) The theme or subject; a leading phrase or passage which is reproduced and varied through the course of a comor a movement; a short figure, or melodic germ, out of which a whole movement is develpoed. See also {Leading motive}, under {Leading}. [Written also {motivo}.] [1913 Webster]

4. (Fine Arts) That which produces conception, invention, or creation in the mind of the artist in undertaking his subject; the guiding or controlling idea manifested in a work of art, or any part of one. [1913 Webster]

Syn: Incentive; incitement; inducement; reason; spur; stimulus; cause.

Usage: {Motive}, {Inducement}, {Reason}. Motive is the word originally used in speaking of that which determines the choice. We call it an inducement when it is attractive in its nature. We call it a reason when it is more immediately addressed to the intellect in the form of argument. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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