
Chub Chub, n. [This word seems to signify a large or thick fish. Cf. Sw. kubb a short and thick piece of wood, and perh. F. chabot chub.] (Zo["o]l.) A species to fresh-water fish of the {Cyprinid[ae]} or Carp family. The common European species is {Leuciscus cephalus}; the cheven. In America the name is applied to various fishes of the same family, of the genera {Semotilus}, {Squalius}, {Ceratichthys}, etc., and locally to several very different fishes, as the {tautog}, {black bass}, etc. [1913 Webster]

{Chub mackerel} (Zo["o]l.), a species of mackerel ({Scomber colias}) in some years found in abundance on the Atlantic coast, but absent in others; -- called also {bull mackerel}, {thimble-eye}, and {big-eye mackerel}.

{Chub sucker} (Zo["o]l.), a fresh-water fish of the United States ({Erimyzon sucetta}); -- called also {creekfish}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Tautog — Tau*tog , n. [The pl. of taut, the American Indian name, translated by Roger Williams sheep s heads, and written by him tauta[ u]og.] (Zo[ o]l.) An edible labroid fish ({Haitula onitis}, or {Tautoga onitis}) of the Atlantic coast of the United… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tautog — (n.) edible marine fish of the Atlantic coast of North America, 1643, from Narragansett tautauog, plural of taut …   Etymology dictionary

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  • tautog — /ˈtɔtɒg/ (say tawtog) noun (plural tautog or tautogs) a black labroid fish, Tautoga onitis, of the North Atlantic coast of the US. {Algonquian tautauog (sheep heads, plural of tau, tautau)} Usage: For variation in the plural inflection, see note… …  

  • tautog — tautoga statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Tautoga onitis angl. oysterfish; smooth blackfish; tautog rus. губан таутога; таутога ryšiai: platesnis terminas – tautogos …   Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas

  • tautog — noun Etymology: Narragansett tautaũog, plural Date: 1643 an edible fish (Tautoga onitis) of the wrasse family found along the Atlantic coast of the United States and adjacent Canada called also blackfish …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tautog — /taw tog , tawg /, n. a black food and game fish, Tautoga onitis, inhabiting waters along the North Atlantic coast of the U.S. [1635 45, Amer.; < Narragansett (E sp.) tautauog, pl. of taut] * * *       fish of the western Atlantic, a large,… …   Universalium

  • tautog — noun A fish of the wrasse family found in salt water off of eastern North America from Nova Scotia to South Carolina. Syn: blackfish, black porgy, oyster fish …   Wiktionary

  • tautog — [tɔ: tɒg] noun a greyish olive edible wrasse (fish) found off the Atlantic coast of North America. [Tautoga onitis.] Origin C17: from Narragansett tautauog, plural of taut …   English new terms dictionary

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