Dumpy level

Dumpy level
Dumpy level Dump"y lev"el (Surv.) A level having a short telescope (hence its name) rigidly fixed to a table capable only of rotatory movement in a horizontal plane. The telescope is usually an inverting one. It is sometimes called the {Troughton level}, from the name of the inventor, and a variety improved by one Gavatt is known as the {Gavatt level}. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Gavatt level — Dumpy level Dump y lev el (Surv.) A level having a short telescope (hence its name) rigidly fixed to a table capable only of rotatory movement in a horizontal plane. The telescope is usually an inverting one. It is sometimes called the {Troughton …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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