
Impersonality Im*per`son*al"i*ty, n. The quality of being impersonal; want or absence of personality. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • impersonality — index disinterest (lack of prejudice), objectivity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • impersonality — (n.) 1769, from IMPERSONAL (Cf. impersonal) + ITY (Cf. ity) …   Etymology dictionary

  • impersonality — (|)im, əm+ noun Etymology: impersonal (I) + ity 1. : the lack or absence of a personal or human character the impersonality of natural law 2. : the quality or state of not involving personal feelings or the emotions or of being unemotional …   Useful english dictionary

  • impersonality — /im perr seuh nal i tee/, n., pl. impersonalities for 6. 1. absence of human character or of the traits associated with the human character: He feared the impersonality of a mechanized world. 2. absence or reduction of concern for individual… …   Universalium

  • impersonality — impersonal ► ADJECTIVE 1) not influenced by or involving personal feelings. 2) featureless and anonymous. 3) not existing as a person. 4) Grammar (of a verb) used only with a formal subject (in English usually it) and expressing an action not… …   English terms dictionary

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