Linen scroll

Linen scroll
Linen Lin"en, n. [Prop. an adj. from OE. lin flax, AS. l[=i]n flax, whence l[=i]nen made of flax; akin to OS., Icel., & MHG. l[=i]n flax and linen, G. lein, leinen, linen, Sw. lin flax, Goth. lein linen, L. linum flax, linen, Gr. li`non. Cf. {Line}, {Linseed}.] 1. Thread or cloth made of flax or (rarely) of hemp; -- used in a general sense to include cambric, shirting, sheeting, towels, tablecloths, etc.; as, bed linens ``In linen white as milk.'' --Robert of Brunne. [1913 Webster]

2. Underclothing, esp. the shirt, as being, in former times, chiefly made of linen. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster]

{Linen draper}, a dealer in linen.

{Linen prover}, a small microscope for counting the threads in a given space in linen fabrics.

{Linen scroll}, {Linen pattern} (Arch.), an ornament for filling panels, copied from the folds of a piece of stuff symmetrically disposed. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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