Arum maculatum — Lords and Ladies (Arum maculatum) is a common arum in British woodlands Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
ARUM MACULATUM — ARUM MACULATUM, аронник, сем. арой никовых (Агасеае), встречающееся в Зап. Европе растение, известное своей ядовитостью, так как в нем находятся синильная кислота и другой неизвестный яд … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
Arum maculatum — Arum maculatum … Wikipedia Español
Arum maculatum — Gefleckter Aronstab Gefleckter Aronstab (Arum maculatum) Systematik Unterklasse: Froschlöffelähnliche (Alismatidae) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Arum maculatum — Gouet tacheté Gouet tacheté … Wikipédia en Français
Arum maculatum — jack in the pulpit jack in the pulpit n. 1. A common American spring flowering woodland herb ({Aris[ae]ma triphyllum}) having sheathing leaves and an upright club shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arum maculatum — jack in the pulpit jack in the pulpit n. 1. A common American spring flowering woodland herb ({Aris[ae]ma triphyllum}) having sheathing leaves and an upright club shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arum maculatum — cuckoopint cuck oo*pint , cuckoo pint cuck oo pint . a common European arum ({Arum maculatum}) with lanceolate spathe and short purple spadix; it emerges in early spring, and is the source of a sagolike starch called {arum}. Syn: cuckoopint,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arum maculatum — šlakuotasis aronas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Aroninių šeimos dekoratyvinis, vaistinis nuodingas augalas (Arum maculatum), paplitęs vakarų Azijoje ir pietų Europoje. atitikmenys: lot. Arum maculatum angl. Adam and Eve; common arum;… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Arum maculatum — Wake robin Wake rob in, n. (Bot.) Any plant of the genus {Arum}, especially, in England, the cuckoopint ({Arum maculatum}). [1913 Webster] Note: In America the name is given to several species of Trillium, and sometimes to the Jack in the pulpit … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English