Mercy seat

Mercy seat
Mercy Mer"cy (m[~e]r"s[y^]), n.; pl. {Mercies}. [OE. merci, F. merci, L. merces, mercedis, hire, pay, reward, LL., equiv. to misericordia pity, mercy. L. merces is probably akin to merere to deserve, acquire. See {Merit}, and cf. {Amerce}.] 1. Forbearance to inflict harm under circumstances of provocation, when one has the power to inflict it; compassionate treatment of an offender or adversary; clemency. [1913 Webster]

Examples of justice must be made for terror to some; examples of mercy for comfort to others. --Bacon. [1913 Webster]

2. Compassionate treatment of the unfortunate and helpless; sometimes, favor, beneficence. --Luke x. 37. [1913 Webster]

3. Disposition to exercise compassion or favor; pity; compassion; willingness to spare or to help. [1913 Webster]

In whom mercy lacketh and is not founden. --Sir T. Elyot. [1913 Webster]

4. A blessing regarded as a manifestation of compassion or favor. [1913 Webster]

The Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. --2 Cor. i. 3. [1913 Webster]

{Mercy seat} (Bib.), the golden cover or lid of the Ark of the Covenant. See {Ark}, 2.

{Sisters of Mercy} (R. C. Ch.),a religious order founded in Dublin in the year 1827. Communities of the same name have since been established in various American cities. The duties of those belonging to the order are, to attend lying-in hospitals, to superintend the education of girls, and protect decent women out of employment, to visit prisoners and the sick, and to attend persons condemned to death.

{To be at the mercy of}, to be wholly in the power of. [1913 Webster]

Syn: See {Grace}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • mercy seat — n. [transl. (by TYNDALE William, 1530) of Ger gnadenstuhl, transl. (by LUTHER Martin) of Gr(Ec) hilastērion (< Gr hilasia, propitiation: for IE base see SILLY), transl. (in LXX) of Heb kappōreth] Bible the gold covering on the ark of the… …   English World dictionary

  • Mercy seat — For other uses, see Mercy seat (disambiguation). According to the Bible, the mercy seat (Hebrew: כפורת, Kaporet ; atonement piece ) was an object which rested upon the Ark of the Covenant, and was connected with the rituals of Yom Kippur;… …   Wikipedia

  • Mercy-seat —    (Heb. kapporeth, a covering; LXX. and N.T., hilasterion; Vulg., propitiatorium), the covering or lid of the ark of the covenant (q.v.). It was of acacia wood, overlaid with gold, or perhaps rather a plate of solid gold, 2 1/2 cubits long and 1 …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • mercy seat — noun 1. the throne of God • Hypernyms: ↑throne 2. the golden covering of the ark of the covenant • Hypernyms: ↑covering * * * noun Etymology: from mercy seat, gold covering over the ark of the covenant in the Bible (Exod 25:17); translation of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mercy seat (disambiguation) — Mercy seat may refer to: The mercy seat in the Bible, which sat atop the Ark of the Covenant The Mercy Seat (song), a 1988 song by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds The Mercy Seat (play), a 2002 play by Neil LaBute The Mercy Seat, a late 1980s gospel… …   Wikipedia

  • Mercy Seat (Ultra Vivid Scene) — Mercy Seat is the second single released by the American alternative rock group Ultra Vivid Scene. Track listing Mercy Seat [remix] (6:31) Codeine (2:56) H Like In Heaven (2:39) Mercy Seat (L.P. Version) (4:03) Line up Kurt Ralske : Voice… …   Wikipedia

  • mercy-seat — merˈcy seat noun 1. The seat or place of mercy 2. The covering of the Jewish Ark of the Covenant 3. The throne of God • • • Main Entry: ↑mercy …   Useful english dictionary

  • mercy seat — 1. Bible. a. the gold covering on the ark of the covenant, regarded as the resting place of God. Ex. 25:17 22. b. the throne of God. 2. South Midland and Southern U.S. See mourner s bench. [1520 30] * * * …   Universalium

  • mercy-seat — A cover on top of the Ark [[➝ ark]], described by the Priestly [[➝ Priestly narrative]] source as the throne of God, where he is seated in a cloud (Lev. 16:2) and where blood was sprinkled by the high priest on the Day of Atonement [[➝ Atonement …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • mercy seat — noun 1》 the golden covering placed on the Ark of the Covenant. 2》 the throne of God in heaven …   English new terms dictionary

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