- Moff
- Moff Moff, n. A thin silk stuff made in Caucasia. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
MOFF. — MOFF. Haderers feines Schundheftl ist ein monatlich erscheinendes Comic des österreichischen Zeichners Gerhard Haderer, das aktuelle gesellschaftspolitische Themen aufgreift und persifliert. MOFF. Hefte Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Moff — Recorded in many forms as shown below, this is a medieval English surnames. It originates from the term maugh pronounced muff, and a nickname for someone who was related by marriage to an important person. Recorded as Muff, Maugh, Moff, Mough,… … Surnames reference
Moff Tarkin — Grand Moff Tarkin Wilhuff Tarkin (Tarkan en VF) , Grand Moff de l Empire Galactique (60 Av.BY 0 Ap.BY) est un personnage de la saga de la Guerre des étoiles qui apparaît dans les épisodes III et IV. C est l homme de confiance de l empereur… … Wikipédia en Français
Moff — (rural) any animal, as a kangaroo, born a hermaphrodite … Dictionary of Australian slang
moff — Australian Slang (rural) any animal, as a kangaroo, born a hermaphrodite … English dialects glossary
Moff — Moffm verbrauchteZimmerluft;Gestank.Nebenformvon⇨Muff.Seitdem19.Jh … Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache
moff — /mɒf/ (say mof) noun Rural Colloquial a hermaphrodite animal. {origin uncertain; compare South African English moffie a hermaphroditic animal} …
moff — … Useful english dictionary
moff sein — moffsein 1.sichbeleidigtfühlen.⇨Muff.1870ff. 2.mißgestimmtsein.1870ff … Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache
Grand Moff Tarkin — SW Character name=Grand Moff Tarkin color=Empire source= position=Regional Governor of Oversector Outer, commander of the Death Star species=Human gender=Male planet=Eriadu affiliation=Galactic Empire occupation=Antagonist portrayer=Wayne Pygram… … Wikipedia