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mutuary — mu·tu·ary … English syllables
mutuary — /myuwtyuwehriy/ A person who borrows personal chattels to be consumed by him and returned to the lender in kind and quantity; the borrower in a contract of mutuum … Black's law dictionary
mutuary — /myuwtyuwehriy/ A person who borrows personal chattels to be consumed by him and returned to the lender in kind and quantity; the borrower in a contract of mutuum … Black's law dictionary
mutuary — A term of the Roman or Continental law which applies to the person receiving a chattel or chattels delivered in the relation known as a mutuum. 8 Am J2d Bailin § 37. The person to whom the chattel is lent under a mutuum. See mutuum … Ballentine's law dictionary
mutuary — ˈmyüchəˌwerē noun ( es) Etymology: Latin mutuarius mutual, in exchange, from mutuus borrowed, lent + arius ary more at mutual Roman & civil law : the borrower in a contract of mutuum … Useful english dictionary