- Atrabiliar
- Atrabiliar At`ra*bil"iar, a. Melancholy; atrabilious. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
atrabiliar — atrabiliár adj. m., pl. atrabiliári; f. sg. atrabiliáră, pl. atrabiliáre Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic ATRABILIÁR, Ă adj. (Liv.) Coleric, iritabil; irascibil. [pron … Dicționar Român
atrabiliar — a.; (also atrabiliary) Melancholy. See atrabilious … New dictionary of synonyms
atrabiliar — at·ra·bil·i·ar … English syllables
atrabiliar — |bilēə(r), lyə(r) adjective Etymology: New Latin atrabiliarius : atrabilious … Useful english dictionary
atrabilious — atrabiliousness, n. /a treuh bil yeuhs/, adj. 1. gloomy; morose; melancholy; morbid. 2. irritable; bad tempered; splenetic. Also, atrabiliar. [1645 55; < L atra bili(s) black bile + OUS] * * * … Universalium
blue — Synonyms and related words: Alice blue, Amytal, Amytal pill, Brunswick blue, Caelus, Capri blue, Chinese blue, Copenhagen blue, Demerol, Dolophine, Dresden blue, Fescennine, French blue, Gobelin blue, H, Luminal, Luminal pill, M, Mickey Finn,… … Moby Thesaurus
funky — Synonyms and related words: afraid, atrabiliar, atrabilious, bad, bad smelling, blue, chicken, chickenhearted, coward, cowardly, cowed, daunted, dismayed, fainthearted, fearful, fecal, fetid, foul, frowsty, frowsy, frowy, frowzy, fulsome, funking … Moby Thesaurus
melancholic — Synonyms and related words: ambivert, atrabiliar, atrabilious, blase, blue, brooder, choleric, cycloid, cyclothyme, cyclothymic, depressing, depressive, dispirited, ectomorph, endomorph, extrovert, fed up, funky, gloomy Gus, good and tired,… … Moby Thesaurus
melancholy — Synonyms and related words: absorption, abstraction, aching heart, agony, agony of mind, anguish, atrabiliar, atrabilious, bale, beetle browed, bitterness, black, black browed, blase, bleeding heart, blue, blues, boredness, boredom, bouderie,… … Moby Thesaurus
passionate — Synonyms and related words: abandoned, ablaze, afire, amative, amatory, amorous, animated, ardent, argumentative, aroused, atrabiliar, atrabilious, attracted, avid, belligerent, bilious, blazing, boiling, boiling over, breathless, burning,… … Moby Thesaurus