augur — AUGÚR, (1) auguri, s.m., (2) augure, s.n. (În antichitatea romană) 1. s.m. Preot căruia i se atribuia facultatea de a prevesti viitorul sau de a interpreta voinţa zeilor după zborul şi cântecul păsărilor sau după măruntaiele animalelor… … Dicționar Român
Augur — mit Krummstab, Abbildung aus dem Nordisk familjebok Ein Augur war ein römischer Beamter, der zu ergründen hatte, ob ein vom Staat oder von einem pater familias (Familienoberhaupt) geplantes Unternehmen den Göttern genehm sei. Er verkündete den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
augur — [ô′gər] n. [L, orig., a priest at rituals of fertility and increase, prob. < OL * augos (gen. * augeris), increase, growth < augere (see WAX2); meaning infl. by auspex, AUSPEX] 1. in ancient Rome, any of a body of officials who interpreted… … English World dictionary
Augur — Au gur, n. [L. Of uncertain origin: the first part of the word is perh. fr. L. avis bird, and the last syllable, gur, equiv. to the Skr. gar to call, akin to L. garrulus garrulous.] 1. (Rom. Antiq.) An official diviner who foretold events by the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Augur — Au gur, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Augured}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Auguring}.] 1. To conjecture from signs or omens; to prognosticate; to foreshow. [1913 Webster] My auguring mind assures the same success. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To anticipate, to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
augur — (n.) 1540s, from L. augur, a religious official in ancient Rome who foretold events by interpreting omens, perhaps originally meaning an increase in crops enacted in ritual, in which case it probably is from Old L. *augos (gen. *augeris) increase … Etymology dictionary
augur — àugūr m <G augúra> DEFINICIJA pov. starorimski svećenički zbor koji pogađa volju bogova prema letu i pjevanju ptica, grmljavini, munji i sl. ETIMOLOGIJA lat. augur … Hrvatski jezični portal
augur — [n] predictor diviner, forecaster, harbinger, herald, oracle, prognosticator, prophet, seer, soothsayer; concept 423 augur [v] predict; be an omen of adumbrate, bespeak, bode, call it*, call the shots*, crystalball, figure out, forecast,… … New thesaurus
augur — (Del lat. augur, ūris). 1. m. Oficiante, que en la antigua Roma practicaba oficialmente la adivinación por el canto, el vuelo y la manera de comer de las aves y por otros signos. 2. Persona que vaticina … Diccionario de la lengua española
Augur — (röm. Rel.), Weissager, s.u. Augurium. Auguralbücher s. ebd. Augurale (Auguraculum, Auguratorium), der Ort, wo die Augurien angestellt wurden. Augurale jus, Augurrecht, ein Theil des römischen Staatsrechts, das sich auf nach u. nach gesammelte… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon