panfish — ☆ panfish [pan′fish΄ ] n. any small fish that can be fried whole in a pan … English World dictionary
Panfish — A Panfish, also spelled pan fish or pan fish, is an edible game fish that usually doesn t outgrow the size of a frying pan. The term is also commonly used by anglers to refer to any small catch that will fit in a pan, but is large enough to be… … Wikipedia
panfish — /pan fish /, n., pl. panfishes, (esp. collectively) panfish. any small, freshwater nongame food fish, as a perch or sunfish, usually eaten pan fried. [1795 1805, Amer.; PAN1 + FISH] * * * … Universalium
panfish — noun fish that are suitable for cooking in a frying pan by virtue both of size and taste; panfish are caught primarily for eating, rather than for sport … Wiktionary
panfish — noun Date: 1796 a small food fish (as a sunfish) usually taken with hook and line and not available on the market … New Collegiate Dictionary
panfish — n. small fish that is usually eaten fried … English contemporary dictionary
panfish — pan•fish [[t]ˈpænˌfɪʃ[/t]] n. pl. fish•es, (esp. collectively) fish. ich any small, freshwater food fish, as a perch or sunfish, that is usu. cooked by pan frying • Etymology: 1795–1805, amer … From formal English to slang
panfish — noun any of numerous small food fishes; especially those caught with hook and line and not available on the market • Hypernyms: ↑fish … Useful english dictionary
Artificial fly — Classic 19th Century Artificial fly The Triumph An artificial fly or fly lure is a type of fishing lure, usually used in the sport of fly fishing (although they may also be used in other forms of angling). In general, artificial flies are the… … Wikipedia
Fishing rod — A fishing rod or a fishing pole is a tool used to catch fish, usually in conjunction with the sport of angling, can also be used in competition casting (sport). (Sustenance and commercial fishing usually involves nets). A length of fishing line… … Wikipedia