Park of artillery

Park of artillery
Artillery Ar*til"ler*y, n. [OE. artilrie, OF. artillerie, arteillerie, fr. LL. artillaria, artilleria, machines and apparatus of all kinds used in war, vans laden with arms of any kind which follow camps; F. artillerie great guns, ordnance; OF. artillier to work artifice, to fortify, to arm, prob. from L. ars, artis, skill in joining something, art. See {Art}.] 1. Munitions of war; implements for warfare, as slings, bows, and arrows. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]

And Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad. --1 Sam. xx. 40. [1913 Webster]

2. Cannon; great guns; ordnance, including guns, mortars, howitzers, etc., with their equipment of carriages, balls, bombs, and shot of all kinds. [1913 Webster]

Note: The word is sometimes used in a more extended sense, including the powder, cartridges, matches, utensils, machines of all kinds, and horses, that belong to a train of artillery. [1913 Webster]

3. The men and officers of that branch of the army to which the care and management of artillery are confided. [1913 Webster]

4. The science of artillery or gunnery. --Campbell. [1913 Webster]

{Artillery park}, or {Park of artillery}. (a) A collective body of siege or field artillery, including the guns, and the carriages, ammunition, appurtenances, equipments, and persons necessary for working them. (b) The place where the artillery is encamped or collected.

{Artillery train}, or {Train of artillery}, a number of pieces of ordnance mounted on carriages, with all their furniture, ready for marching. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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