Poet laureate — (von lat. poeta laureatus = lorbeergekrönter Dichter) ist im Vereinigten Königreich und den USA ein jeweils von Staats wegen besonders ausgezeichneter Dichter. Die Bezeichnung kommt aus der antiken Tradition, hervorragende Dichter mit einem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Poet Laureate — (von lat. poeta laureatus = lorbeergekrönter Dichter) ist im Vereinigten Königreich und den USA ein jeweils von Staats wegen besonders ausgezeichneter Dichter. Die Bezeichnung kommt aus der antiken Tradition, hervorragende Dichter mit einem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Poet laureate — Laureate Lau re*ate, a. [L. laureatus, fr. laurea laurel tree, fr. laureus of laurel, fr. laurus laurel: cf. F. laur[ e]at. Cf. {Laurel}.] Crowned, or decked, with laurel. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] To strew the laureate hearse where Lycid lies.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
poet laureate — n. pl. poets laureate or poet laureates 1. the court poet of England, appointed for life by the monarch, traditionally to write poems celebrating official occasions, national events, etc. 2. the official or most respected poet of any specific… … English World dictionary
poet laureate — plural poets laureate n a poet who is chosen by a king, queen, president etc to write poems on important national occasions … Dictionary of contemporary English
Poet Laureate — The plural is Poets Laureate, although Poet Laureates is often used … Modern English usage
Poet Laureate — ► NOUN (pl. Poets Laureate) ▪ a poet appointed by the British sovereign to write poems for royal and official occasions … English terms dictionary
Poet laureate — [ poʊɪt lɔːrɪət, englisch; vergleiche Poeta laureatus], in England inoffiziell zuerst an B. Jonson, offiziell zuerst an J. Dryden verliehenes, honoriertes Hofamt, früher mit der Verpflichtung verbunden, zu feierlichen Anlässen Gedichte zu… … Universal-Lexikon
Poet Laureate — A Poet Laureate is a poet officially appointed by a government and is often expected to compose poems for State occasions and other government events. The plural form is poets laureate.In England, the term has for centuries been the title of the… … Wikipedia
poet laureate — pl. poets laureate. 1. (in Great Britain) a poet appointed for life as an officer of the royal household, formerly expected to write poems in celebration of court and national events. 2. a poet recognized or acclaimed as the most eminent or… … Universalium