preserve — pre·serve /pri zərv/ vt pre·served, pre·serv·ing 1: to keep safe from injury, harm, or destruction expenses necessary to preserve the property 2 a: to keep valid, intact, or in existence (as pending a proceeding) the right of a trial by jury… … Law dictionary
preserve — [prē zʉrv′, prizʉrv′] vt. preserved, preserving [ME preserven < MFr preserver < ML praeservare, to preserve, protect < LL, to observe beforehand < L prae , PRE + servare: see OBSERVE] 1. to keep from harm, damage, danger, evil, etc.;… … English World dictionary
préservé — préservé, ée (pré zèr vé, vée) part. passé. Préservé de tout contact avec les méchants. SUPPLÉMENT AU DICTIONNAIRE PRÉSERVÉ. Ajoutez : Les Préservées, filles qui se repentent de leurs fautes et se retirent dans une maison cloîtrée, Journ.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Preserve — Pre*serve , v. i. 1. To make preserves. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To protect game for purposes of sport. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Preserve — Pre*serve , n. 1. That which is preserved; fruit, etc., seasoned and kept by suitable preparation; esp., fruit cooked with sugar; commonly in the plural. [1913 Webster] 2. A place in which game, fish, etc., are preserved for purposes of sport, or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
preserve — vb *save, conserve Analogous words: *rescue, deliver, redeem, ransom: protect, guard, safeguard (see DEFEND) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
preserve — [v] care for, maintain; continue bottle, can, conserve, cure, defend, evaporate, freeze, guard, keep, keep up, mothball*, mummify, perpetuate, pickle, process, protect, put up, refrigerate, retain, safeguard, save, season, secure, shelter, shield … New thesaurus
preservé — Preservé, [preserv]ée. part … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
preserve — ► VERB 1) maintain in its original or existing state. 2) keep safe from harm or injury. 3) keep alive (a memory or quality). 4) treat (food) to prevent its decomposition. 5) prepare (fruit) for long term storage by boiling it with sugar. ► NOUN… … English terms dictionary
preserve — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun (AmE) ⇨ See also ↑reserve ADJECTIVE ▪ forest, nature, wilderness, wildlife ▪ This land is protected as a wildlife preserve. ▪ game … Collocations dictionary