barge — barge … Dictionnaire des rimes
BARGE — BARGE, the Big August Rec.Gambling Excursion, is a yearly convention held in Las Vegas during the first weekend of August. It consists of a series of tournaments both of poker and other gambling games, as well as a banquet and a host of informal… … Wikipedia
Barge — ist der Name folgender Orte: Barge, italienische Kleinstadt in der italienischen Provinz Cuneo, Region Piemont, siehe Barge (Piemont) Barge, Ortsteil der Gemeinde Detern in der Samtgemeinde Jümme Barge, Ortsteil des Ortschaft Marx in der Gemeinde … Deutsch Wikipedia
barge — 1. (bar j ) s. f. Nom d un oiseau de marais. • Le pic n abandonne jamais la tige des arbres, à l entour de laquelle il lui est ordonné de ramper ; la barge doit rester dans ses marais, l alouette dans ses sillons, la fauvette dans ses bocages,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
barge — c.1300, small seagoing vessel with sails, from O.Fr. barge, O.Prov. barca, from M.L. barga, perhaps from Celtic, or perhaps from L. *barica, from Gk. baris Egyptian boat, from Coptic bari small boat. Meaning flat bottomed freight boat dates from… … Etymology dictionary
barge in on — [phrasal verb] barge in on (something or someone) : to suddenly and rudely interrupt or disturb (something or someone) I was getting angry because she kept barging in on our conversation. • • • Main Entry: ↑barge … Useful english dictionary
barge — barge; barge·man; … English syllables
barge in — / barge into [v] charge break in, burst in, collide, infringe, interrupt, intrude, muscle in, push, shove, stumble; concepts 150,208 Ant. wait … New thesaurus
barge — ► NOUN 1) a long flat bottomed boat for carrying freight on canals and rivers. 2) a large ornamental boat used for pleasure or on ceremonial occasions. ► VERB 1) move forcefully or roughly. 2) (barge in) intrude or interrupt rudely or awkwardly.… … English terms dictionary
barge — [bärj] n. [ME & OFr < ML barga < LL barca < * barica < Gr baris, Egyptian boat < Coptic barī, small boat] 1. a large boat, usually flat bottomed, for carrying heavy freight on rivers, canals, etc. 2. a large pleasure boat, esp. one … English World dictionary