- Requere
- Requere Re*quere" (r?--kw?r"), v. t. To require. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
requere — /ri kwērˈ/ (Spenser) transitive verb To require * * * requere obs. form of require … Useful english dictionary
ChessBase — es una compañía que comercializa software de ajedrez, mantiene un sitio de noticias de ajedrez, y dirige un servidor para jugar online. Es una compañía líder en la transformación del estudio de ajedrez junto con su mayor competidor, Convetka… … Wikipedia Español
require — verb (required; requiring) Etymology: Middle English requeren, from Anglo French requere, from Vulgar Latin *requaerere to seek for, need, require, alteration of Latin requirere, from re + quaerere to seek, ask Date: 14th century transitive verb… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Clusia multiflora — Clusia multiflora Clasificación científica Reino: Plantae … Wikipedia Español
request — [14] Request and require [14] come from the same ultimate source: Latin requīrere. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix re ‘again’ and quaerere ‘ask, search’ (source of English enquire, question, etc). It originally meant ‘seek again,… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
require — verb 1》 need or depend on. ↘wish to have. 2》 instruct or expect (someone) to do something. ↘(require something of) regard an action or quality as due from. ↘specify as compulsory: the minimum car insurance required by law. Derivatives … English new terms dictionary
request — [14] Request and require [14] come from the same ultimate source: Latin requīrere. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix re ‘again’ and quaerere ‘ask, search’ (source of English enquire, question, etc). It originally meant ‘seek again,… … Word origins
require — v.tr. 1 need; depend on for success or fulfilment (the work requires much patience). 2 lay down as an imperative (did all that was required by law). 3 command; instruct (a person etc.). 4 order; insist on (an action or measure). 5 (often foll. by … Useful english dictionary