- Sanation
- Sanation Sa*na"tion, n. [L. sanatio. See {Sanable}.] The act of healing or curing. [Obs.] --Wiseman. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
sanation — [sanɑsjɔ̃] n. f. ÉTYM. 1314, « guérison »; repris XXe; lat. sanatio, de sanatum, supin de sanare « guérir », de sanus. → Sain; santé. ❖ ♦ Dr. canon. Validation (de vœux religieux, du mariage) lorsque ces sacrements n étaient pas valides … Encyclopédie Universelle
sanation — noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English sanacioun, from Latin sanation , sanatio, from sanatus (past participle of sanare to cure) + ion , io ion obsolete : the act or process of healing … Useful english dictionary
sanation — noun Act of healing or curing … Wiktionary
Sanation — Helbredelse … Danske encyklopædi
Sanation — Sanatio̱n [zu lat. sanare, sanatum = heilen] w; , en, in fachspr. Fügungen: Sana̱tio, Mehrz.: ...io̱|nes: Heilung (einer Krankheit) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Sanation — Sa|na|ti|on die; , en <aus gleichbed. lat. sanatio zu sanare, vgl. ↑sanieren> Heilung (einer Krankheit; Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Sanacja — (Sanation) was a coalition political movement in the interbellum Second Polish Republic. It was created in 1926 by Józef Piłsudski as a broad movement to support the moral sanation ( restoration to health ) of the Polish body politic before and… … Wikipedia
Camp of National Unity — Obóz Zjednoczenia Narodowego (Polish pronunciation: [ˈɔbuz zjɛdnɔˈtʂɛɲa narɔdɔˈvɛɡɔ], Camp of National Unity ; abbreviated OZN ; and often called Ozon, Polish for ozone ) was a Polish political party founded in 1937 by leaders in the… … Wikipedia
Piłsudski's colonels — Colonels group redirects here. For other uses, see colonels regime. Piłsudski s colonels,[1][2] or the colonels regime[3][4] (in Polish called simply the colonels [5]), dominated the government of the Seco … Wikipedia
May Coup (Poland) — For other coups d état in May, see May Coup. The May Coup d Etat, Przewrót majowy (1926) Piłsudski and other coup leaders on Poniatowski Bridge in Warsaw … Wikipedia