- Scapement
- Scapement \Scape"ment\, n. [See {Scape}, v., {Escapement}.] Same as {Escapement}, 3. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
scapement — scape·ment … English syllables
scapement — ˈskāpmənt noun ( s) Etymology: scape (I) + ment : escapement … Useful english dictionary
a- — 1. prefix not, without (amoral; agnostic; apetalous). Etymology: Gk a , or L f. Gk, or F f. L f. Gk 2. prefix implying motion onward or away, adding intensity to verbs of motion (arise; awake). Etymology: OE a , orig. ar 3. prefix to, at, or into … Useful english dictionary