- Semibarbaric
- Semibarbaric Sem`i*bar*bar"ic, a. Half barbarous or uncivilized; as, semibarbaric display. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
sem|i|bar|ba|rous — «SEHM ee BAHR buhr uhs», adjective. = semibarbaric. (Cf. ↑semibarbaric) … Useful english dictionary
Pelasgians — The name Pelasgians (from Ancient Greek gr. Πελασγοί, Pelasgoí , singular Πελασγός, Pelasgós [ [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3D%2380420 Pelasgos, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek… … Wikipedia
Kublai Khan — /kooh bluy kahn / 1216 94, khan c1260 94: founder of the Mongol dynasty in China (grandson of Genghis Khan). Also, Kubilai Khan /kooh bi luy /, Kubla Khan. * * * born 1215 died 1294 Grandson of Genghis Khan who conquered China and established the … Universalium
Sumer — /sooh meuhr/, n. an ancient region in southern Mesopotamia that contained a number of independent cities and city states of which the first were established possibly as early as 5000 B.C.: conquered by the Elamites and, about 2000 B.C., by the… … Universalium
Wenwang — or Wen wang or Xibo flourished 12th century BC, China Father of Wuwang (founder of the Zhou dynasty) and one of the sage rulers regarded by Confucian historians as a model king. He is traditionally credited as author of the divination formulas of … Universalium
Wuwang — or Wu wang flourished 11th century BC, China Founder and first ruler of the Zhou dynasty. After establishing the Zhou dynasty, Wuwang, assisted by his brother, Zhougong, consolidated his rule by establishing a feudalistic form of government in… … Universalium
sem|i|bar|bar|ic — «SEHM ee bahr BAR ihk», adjective. not completely barbaric; partly civilized: »a semibarbaric people … Useful english dictionary
sem|i|bar|ba|rism — «SEHM ee BAHR buh rihz uhm», noun. the condition or state of being semibarbaric … Useful english dictionary
sem|i|sav|age — «SEHM ee SAV ihj», adjective, noun. –adj. semibarbaric; half civilized. –n. a semisavage person … Useful english dictionary