sextodecimos — sex·to·dec·i·mo || ‚sekstəʊ desɪməʊ n. page size of a book made up of sheets folded into 16 leaves (32 pages); book that consists of sheets where each sheet is folded into six leaves … English contemporary dictionary
Sextodecimo — Sex to*dec imo, n.; pl. {Sextodecimos}. A book composed of sheets each of which is folded into sixteen leaves; hence, indicating, more or less definitely, a size of a book; usually written 16mo, or 16[deg]. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sextodecimo — /sek stoh des euh moh /, n., pl. sextodecimos, adj. Print. n. 1. sixteenmo (def. 1). adj. 2. sixteenmo (def. 3). [1680 90; < L sextodecimo, abl. sing. of sextusdecimus sixteenth] * * * … Universalium
sextodecimo — [ˌsɛkstə(ʊ) dɛsɪməʊ] (abbrev.: 16mo) noun (plural sextodecimos) a size of book page that results from folding each printed sheet into sixteen leaves (thirty two pages). Origin C17: from L. sexto decimo, ablative of sextus decimus sixteenth … English new terms dictionary
sextodecimo — /sɛkstoʊˈdɛsəmoʊ/ (say sekstoh desuhmoh) noun (plural sextodecimos) 1. a volume printed from sheets folded to form 16 leaves or 32 pages. Abbrev.: 16mo or 16° –adjective 2. in sextodecimo. Also, sixteenmo. {Latin, ablative singular of… …
sextodecimo — [seks΄tō des′ə mō΄] n. pl. sextodecimos [< L (in) sextodecimo, (in) sixteen, abl. of sextusdecimus, sixteenth] SIXTEENMO … English World dictionary