Singlestick — Singlestick, also known as cudgels, is a martial art related to fencing and stick fighting, and a wooden weapon for the art, used for attack and defence, the thicker end being thrust through a cup shaped hilt of basket work to protect the hand.… … Wikipedia
singlestick — [siŋ′gəlstik΄] n. 1. a swordlike stick fitted with a guard and formerly used for fencing 2. the sport of fencing with such sticks … English World dictionary
Singlestick — Der Singlestick ist eine dem Fechten entstammende Kampfkunst und bezeichnet gleichzeitig die dabei benutzte Fechtwaffe. Das französische La Canne ist dem Singlestick verwandt, wobei ersteres zum Fechten mit dem Spazierstock benutzt wird, während… … Deutsch Wikipedia
singlestick — noun Date: 1749 fighting or fencing with a wooden stick or sword held in one hand; also the weapon used … New Collegiate Dictionary
singlestick — /sing geuhl stik /, n. 1. a short, heavy stick. 2. (formerly) a. a wooden stick held in one hand, used instead of a sword in fencing. b. fencing with such a stick. [1765 75; SINGLE + STICK1] * * * ▪ weapon a slender, round stick of wood… … Universalium
singlestick — sin•gle•stick [[t]ˈsɪŋ gəlˌstɪk[/t]] n. a wooden stick held in one hand, used instead of a sword in fencing • Etymology: 1765–75 … From formal English to slang
singlestick — /ˈsɪŋgəlstɪk/ (say singguhlstik) noun 1. a stick requiring the use of one hand only, used in fencing, etc. 2. fencing, etc., with such a stick. 3. any short, heavy stick. {single + stick1} …
singlestick — noun a stick used instead of a sword for fencing • Syn: ↑fencing stick, ↑backsword • Hypernyms: ↑stick … Useful english dictionary
Fencing at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's singlestick — The men s singlestick was a singlestick event held as part of the fencing at the 1904 Summer Olympics programme. It was the first time the event was held at the Olympics. Three fencers from two nations competed. The competition was held on… … Wikipedia
Liste der Kampfkünste — Dies ist eine Liste von Kampfkünsten und Kampfsportarten. Während bei Kampfkünsten das möglichst schnelle Besiegen des Gegners mit allen Mitteln im Vordergrund steht, sind Kampfsportarten vor allem auf den Einsatz im reglementierten Umfeld… … Deutsch Wikipedia