Suffragette — is a term originally coined by the Daily Mail newspaper as a derogatory label for the more radical and militant members of the late 19th and early 20th century movement for women s suffrage in the United Kingdom, in particular members of the… … Wikipedia
suffragette — [ syfraʒɛt ] n. f. • 1907; mot angl. (1906); de suffrage ♦ Hist. Femme qui, en Angleterre, militait pour le droit de vote féminin, avant la modification de la loi électorale. ⇒aussi féministe. ● suffragette nom féminin (anglais suffragette, de … Encyclopédie Universelle
Suffragette — Sf Frauenrechtlerin erw. obs. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. suffragette, dieses aus ne. suffragette, eigentlich Wahlrechtskämpferin , zu ne. suffrage Wahlstimme , dieses aus l. suffrāgium n. Stimme, Abstimmung . Ebenso nndl.… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
suffragette — female supporter of the cause of women s voting rights, 1906, from SUFFRAGE (Cf. suffrage), with Fr. fem. ending in vogue at the time. Earlier (without reference to sex) suffragist (1822) advocate of extension of the political franchise in… … Etymology dictionary
suffragette — ► NOUN historical ▪ a woman seeking the right to vote through organized protest … English terms dictionary
suffragette — [suf΄rə jet′] n. [< SUFFRAGE + ETTE] a woman who militantly advocates the right of women to vote: this term is objected to by some, who prefer suffragist suffragettism n … English World dictionary
Suffragette — Suf|fra|gẹt|te auch: Suff|ra|gẹt|te 〈f. 19; in England u. Amerika 1903 1914〉 Verfechterin der Frauenrechte, bes. des Stimmrechts [zu lat. suffragium „Stimmrecht“] * * * Suf|f|ra|gẹt|te, die; , n [(frz. suffragette <) engl. suffragette, zu:… … Universal-Lexikon
Suffragette — Droit de vote Généralités Démocratie · Dépouillement · Droits civiques · Élection · Système électoral · Vote Typologies Suffrages : capacitaire · censitaire · universel Votes … Wikipédia en Français
Suffragette — Suf|fra|get|te die; , n unter Einfluss von fr. suffragette aus gleichbed. engl. suffragette zu suffrage »(Wahl)stimme«, dies aus lat. suffragium, vgl. ↑Suffragan>: a) radikale Frauenrechtlerin in Großbritannien vor 1914; b) (veraltet… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
suffragette — [[t]sʌ̱frəʤe̱t[/t]] suffragettes N COUNT In the early twentieth century in Britain, a suffragette was a woman who was involved in the campaign for women to have the right to vote. She was a suffragette and a birth control pioneer. Syn: suffragist … English dictionary