
Tributarily Trib"u*ta*ri*ly, adv. In a tributary manner. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • tributarily — tribˈutarily adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑tribute …   Useful english dictionary

  • tributary — tributarily, adv. /trib yeuh ter ee/, n., pl. tributaries, adj. n. 1. a stream that flows to a larger stream or other body of water. 2. a person or nation that pays tribute in acknowledgment of subjugation or the like. adj. 3. (of a stream)… …   Universalium

  • tributary — /ˈtrɪbjətri / (say tribyuhtree) noun (plural tributaries) 1. a stream contributing its flow to a larger stream or other body of water. 2. someone who pays tribute. –adjective 3. (of a stream) flowing into a larger stream or other body of water. 4 …  

  • tributary — [trib′yo͞o ter΄ē, trib′yəter΄ē] adj. [ME tributarie < L tributarius] 1. paying tribute 2. under another s control; subject [a tributary nation] 3. in the nature of tribute; owed or paid as tribute 4. a) making additions or furnishing supplies; …   English World dictionary

  • tributary — n. & adj. n. (pl. ies) 1 a river or stream flowing into a larger river or lake. 2 hist. a person or State paying or subject to tribute. adj. 1 (of a river etc.) that is a tributary. 2 hist. a paying tribute. b serving as tribute. Derivatives:… …   Useful english dictionary

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