- Trichromic
- Trichromic Tri*chro"mic, a. [Pref. tri- + Gr. ? color.] (Opt.) Of, pertaining to, or consisting of, three colors or color sensations. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
Trichromic — Tri*chro mic, a. [Pref. tri + chromic.] (Chem.) Containing three atoms of chromium. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
trichromic — SYN: trichromatic. * * * tri·chro·mic (tri kroґmik) trichromatic … Medical dictionary
trichromic — tri·chromic … English syllables
trichromic — “+ adjective Etymology: tri + chromic : trichromatic … Useful english dictionary
trichromatic — 1. Having, or relating to, the three primary colors: red, green, and blue. 2. Capable of perceiving the three primary colors; having normal color vision. SYN: trichromic. * * * tri·chro·mat·ic .trī krō mat ik adj … Medical dictionary
Jules Carpentier — (1851 1921) was a French engineer and inventor.Jules Carpentier was a student at the French École Polytechnique. He bought the Ruhmkorff workshops in Paris when Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorff died and made it a successful business for building… … Wikipedia
Equine vision — The equine eye is the largest of any land mammal. [ Soemmerring DW. A comment on the horizontal sections of eyes in man and animals. Anderson SR, Munk O, eds. Schepelern HD, transl. Copenhagen: Bogtrykkeriet Forum; 1971.] [ Knill LM, Eagleton RD … Wikipedia
trichromatic — /truy kroh mat ik, kreuh /, adj. 1. pertaining to the use or combination of three colors, as in printing or in color photography. 2. pertaining to, characterized by, or involving three colors. 3. Ophthalm. of, pertaining to, or exhibiting normal… … Universalium
tricrómico — a Eng. Trichromic Ver tricromático … Diccionario de oftalmología
bicolored — Synonyms and related words: bicolor, colorful, colory, crazy, daedal, dichromatic, divers colored, harlequin, kaleidoscopic, many colored, medley, motley, multicolor, multicolored, multicolorous, parti color, parti colored, polychromatic,… … Moby Thesaurus