vanity table — noun A dressing table • • • Main Entry: ↑vanity … Useful english dictionary
vanity table — vanity .table n AmE a ↑dressing table … Dictionary of contemporary English
vanity table — vanity ,table noun count AMERICAN a small table in your bedroom or bathroom where you keep make up, etc … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
vanity table — noun a dressing table … Wiktionary
vanity table — noun a dressing table … English new terms dictionary
vanity table — noun (C) AmE a dressing table BrE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
vanity — (n.) early 13c., that which is vain, futile, or worthless, from O.Fr. vanite, from L. vanitatem (nom. vanitas) emptiness, foolish pride, from vanus empty, vain, idle (see VAIN (Cf. vain)). Meaning self conceited is attested from mid 14c. Vanity… … Etymology dictionary
vanity mirror — vanity ,mirror noun count a small mirror, especially above a VANITY TABLE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
vanity — Dressing table Dressing table, n. a table, usually having a vertical back piece containing a mirror, at which a person may sit while dressing or applying makeup, and on which articles for the toilet stand. It often has drawers for toiletries,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vanity — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Excessive pride Nouns 1. vanity, conceit, conceitedness; immodesty, self esteem, self love, self praise; complacency, smugness, amour propre, hubris; ego trip. See boasting, selfishness. 2. [false] pride … English dictionary for students