- Vinegarette
- Vinegarette Vin`e*gar*ette", n. See {Vinaigrette}, n., 2. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
vinegarette — Vinaigrette Vin ai*grette , n. [F., fr. vinaigre vinegar.] 1. (Cookery) A sauce, made of vinegar, oil, and other ingredients, used esp. for cold meats. [1913 Webster] 2. A small perforated box for holding aromatic vinegar contained in a sponge,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vinegarette — /vin i geuh ret /, n. vinaigrette (def. 1). [1850 55] * * * … Universalium
vinegarette — /vɪnɪgəˈrɛt/ (say viniguh ret), / nə / (say nuh ) noun → vinaigrette …
vinegarette — /vin i geuh ret /, n. vinaigrette (def. 1). [1850 55] … Useful english dictionary
Vinaigrette — Vin ai*grette , n. [F., fr. vinaigre vinegar.] 1. (Cookery) A sauce, made of vinegar, oil, and other ingredients, used esp. for cold meats. [1913 Webster] 2. A small perforated box for holding aromatic vinegar contained in a sponge, or a smelling … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vinaigrette (disambiguation) — The word vinaigrette or vinegarette (from the diminutive of the French term vinaigre meaning vinegar) can refer to:* Vinaigrette (food), the salad dressing or sauce. * A small container with a perforated top, used to contain an aromatic substance … Wikipedia
vinaigrette — /vin euh gret /, n. 1. Also, vinegarette. a small, ornamental bottle or box for holding aromatic vinegar, smelling salts, or the like. 2. See vinaigrette sauce. adj. 3. (of a food, as asparagus or artichoke) served with a sauce made with vinegar… … Universalium
vinaigrette — /vɪnəˈgrɛt / (say vinuh gret) noun Also, vinegarette. 1. a small ornamental bottle or box for holding aromatic vinegar, smelling salts, or the like. –adjective 2. served with a vinaigrette sauce. {French, from vinaigre vinegar + ette ette} …
vin|ai|grette — «VIHN uh GREHT», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a small ornamental bottle or box usually containing a sponge charged with smelling salts or the like. Also, vinegarette. 2. = vinaigrette sauce. (Cf. ↑vinaigrette sauce) –adj. served with vinaigrette sauce … Useful english dictionary