Whole — Whole, a. [OE. hole, hol, hal, hool, AS. h[=a]l well, sound, healthy; akin to OFries. & OS. h?l, D. heel, G. heil, Icel. heill, Sw. hel whole, Dan. heel, Goth. hails well, sound, OIr. c?l augury. Cf. {Hale}, {Hail} to greet, {Heal} to cure,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
whole — [hōl] adj. [ME (Midland) hool, for hol, hal < OE hal, healthy, whole, hale: akin to Ger heil, ON heill < IE base * kailo , sound, uninjured, auspicious > Welsh coel, omen] 1. a) in sound health; not diseased or injured b) Archaic healed … English World dictionary
whole — adj 1 entire, *perfect, intact Analogous words: sound, well, *healthy, robust, wholesome: complete, plenary, *full Contrasted words: *deficient, defective: impaired, damaged, injured, marred (see INJURE) 2 … New Dictionary of Synonyms
whole — ► ADJECTIVE 1) complete; entire. 2) emphasizing a large extent or number: a whole range of issues. 3) in an unbroken or undamaged state. ► NOUN 1) a thing that is complete in itself. 2) (the whole) all of something … English terms dictionary
Whole — may refer to: *Holism, (from holos, a Greek word meaning all, entire, total) the idea that all the properties of a given system cannot be determined or explained by the sum of its component parts alone * in music, a whole step, or Major second *… … Wikipedia
whole — [adj1] entire, complete accomplished, aggregate, all, choate, completed, concentrated, conclusive, consummate, every, exclusive, exhaustive, fixed, fulfilled, full, full length, gross, inclusive, in one piece, integral, outright, perfect, plenary … New thesaurus
whole — I (undamaged) adjective aggregate, all, complete, entire, gross, intact, solid, total, undiminished, unhurt, unimpaired, unreduced, without loss associated concepts: whole capital, whole estate, whole quantity, whole truth II (unified) adjective… … Law dictionary
whole — hōl adj containing all its natural constituents, components, or elements: deprived of nothing by refining, processing, or separation <whole milk> … Medical dictionary
whole|ly — «HOH lee, HOHL lee», adverb. = wholly. (Cf. ↑wholly) … Useful english dictionary
whole — whole1 W1S1 [həul US houl] adj [: Old English; Origin: hal healthy, unhurt, complete ] 1.) [only before noun] all of something = ↑entire ▪ You have your whole life ahead of you! ▪ His whole attitude bugs me. ▪ We ate the whole cake in about ten… … Dictionary of contemporary English