year end — ˈyear end noun [singular, uncountable] ACCOUNTING FINANCE the end of a company s financial year: • Shareholders funds were almost £50 million at the year end. • The world s biggest household appliance maker has seen its year end profits fall. •… … Financial and business terms
year-end — UK US (also year end, year s end) noun [S] (also the year end) ► ACCOUNTING the end of the financial year, or the end of December: »The annual meeting is usually held a few months after the year end. »Banks have been slow to increase their… … Financial and business terms
year-end — /year end /, n. 1. year s end; the end of a calendar year. adj. 2. taking place or done at the year end: a year end sale; a year end audit. Also, yearend. [1870 75] * * * … Universalium
year-end — year′ end′ or year′end′ n. 1) the end of a calendar year 2) occurring at the year end: a year end sale[/ex] • Etymology: 1870–75 … From formal English to slang
year-end — [yir′end′] n. the end of a year, calendar or fiscal adj. happening, done, etc. at year end: Also yearend … English World dictionary
year-end — I noun the end of a calendar year (Freq. 1) he had to unload the merchandise before the year end • Hypernyms: ↑end, ↑ending II adjective taking place at the close of a fiscal year year end audit … Useful english dictionary
year end — (also year’s end) n. the end of the fiscal year we will discuss additional changes at year end | [as adj.] the year end figures were impressive … Useful english dictionary
year-end — I. noun Date: 1872 the end of usually the fiscal year II. adjective Date: 1899 made, occurring, or existing at the year end < a year end report > … New Collegiate Dictionary
year end — /jɪə end/ noun the end of the financial year, when a company’s accounts are prepared ● The accounts department has started work on the year end accounts … Dictionary of banking and finance
year-end — adjective On or happening at the end of the year (e.g., late December). His year end taxes were supposed to be postmarked by December 30 … Wiktionary