- Zetetic
- Zetetic e*tet"ic, n. A seeker; -- a name adopted by some of the Pyrrhonists. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
Zetetic — e*tet ic, a. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to seek: cf. F. z[ e]t[ e]tique.] Seeking; proceeding by inquiry. [1913 Webster] {Zetetic method} (Math.), the method used for finding the value of unknown quantities by direct search, in investigation, or in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
zetetic — (adj.) proceeding by inquiry, 1640s, from Mod.L. zeteticus, from Gk. zetetikos searching, inquiring, from zetetos, verbal adjective of zetein seek for, inquire into … Etymology dictionary
zetetic — ZETÉTIC1, Ă, zetétici, e, adj. (fil.) Referitor la metodele de cercetare pentru a descoperi raţiunea şi natura lucrurilor. (din fr. zététique) [morf. DOOM] Trimis de tavi, 12.05.2004. Sursa: MDN ZETÉTIC2, zetétici, s.m. Nume dat filozofilor… … Dicționar Român
zetetic — 1. adjective /zəˈtɛt.ɪk/ arrived at through inquiry. The zetetic approach or, as Kant translates it, the searching approach, becomes the element by means of which the discourse develops, the medium in which philosophical thinking occurs. 2. noun… … Wiktionary
Zetetic method — Zetetic e*tet ic, a. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to seek: cf. F. z[ e]t[ e]tique.] Seeking; proceeding by inquiry. [1913 Webster] {Zetetic method} (Math.), the method used for finding the value of unknown quantities by direct search, in investigation, or in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zetetic Elench — The Zetetic Elench are a fictional group from Iain M Banks science fiction Culture Novels . They are a splinter group of the Culture and appear in the novel Excession (1996).Zetetic has its etymology in the Greek ζητείν, to seek. Elench is: that… … Wikipedia
zetetic — [zɪ tɛtɪk] adjective rare proceeding by inquiry. Origin C17: from Gk zētētikos, from zētein seek … English new terms dictionary
zetetic — ze·tet·ic … English syllables
zetetic — a. proceeding by inquiry … Dictionary of difficult words
zetetic — adj. proceeding by inquiry. Etymology: Gk zetetikos f. zeteo seek … Useful english dictionary