Bonasa betulina

Bonasa betulina
Grouse Grouse (grous), n. sing. & pl. [Prob. after the analogy of mouse, mice, fr. the earlier grice, OF. griesche meor hen: cf. F. piegri[`e]che shrike.] (Zo["o]l.) Any of the numerous species of gallinaceous birds of the family {Tetraonid[ae]}, and subfamily {Tetraonin[ae]}, inhabiting Europe, Asia, and North America. They have plump bodies, strong, well-feathered legs, and usually mottled plumage. The group includes the ptarmigans ({Lagopus}), having feathered feet. [1913 Webster]

Note: Among the European species are the red grouse ({Lagopus Scoticus}) and the hazel grouse ({Bonasa betulina}). See {Capercaidzie}, {Ptarmigan}, and {Heath grouse}. Among the most important American species are the ruffed grouse, or New England partridge ({Bonasa umbellus}); the sharp-tailed grouse ({Pedioc[ae]tes phasianellus}) of the West; the dusky blue, or pine grouse ({Dendragapus obscurus}) of the Rocky Mountains; the Canada grouse, or spruce partridge ({D. Canadensis}). See also {Prairie hen}, and {Sage cock}. The Old World sand grouse ({Pterocles}, etc.) belong to a very different family. See {Pterocletes}, and {Sand grouse}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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