- Boulework
- Boule Boule, Boulework Boule"work`, n. Same as {Buhl}, {Buhlwork}. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
boulework — Buhl Buhl, Buhlwork Buhl work, n. [From A. Ch. Boule, a French carver in wood.] Decorative woodwork in which tortoise shell, yellow metal, white metal, etc., are inlaid, forming scrolls, cartouches, etc. [Written also {boule}, {boulework}.] [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Boule — Boule, Boulework Boule work , n. Same as {Buhl}, {Buhlwork}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
boule — Buhl Buhl, Buhlwork Buhl work, n. [From A. Ch. Boule, a French carver in wood.] Decorative woodwork in which tortoise shell, yellow metal, white metal, etc., are inlaid, forming scrolls, cartouches, etc. [Written also {boule}, {boulework}.] [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Buhl — Buhl, Buhlwork Buhl work, n. [From A. Ch. Boule, a French carver in wood.] Decorative woodwork in which tortoise shell, yellow metal, white metal, etc., are inlaid, forming scrolls, cartouches, etc. [Written also {boule}, {boulework}.] [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Buhlwork — Buhl Buhl, Buhlwork Buhl work, n. [From A. Ch. Boule, a French carver in wood.] Decorative woodwork in which tortoise shell, yellow metal, white metal, etc., are inlaid, forming scrolls, cartouches, etc. [Written also {boule}, {boulework}.] [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
boule — boule1 /boohl/, n. 1. Also called birne. a cylindrical lump of material for synthetic gems, made by the Verneuil process. 2. a metal ball, usually made out of steel, used in pétanque. 3. Sometimes, boules. pétanque. [1915 20; < F: lit., a ball;… … Universalium
buhl — /boohl/, n. (often cap.) elaborate inlaid work of woods, metals, tortoiseshell, ivory, etc. Also, boule, boulle. Also called buhlwork /boohl werrk /, boulework, boullework. [1815 25; from Germanized form of F boulle or boule, named after A. C.… … Universalium