
Calvaria Cal*va"ri*a (k[a^]l*v[=a]"r[i^]*[.a]), n. [L. See {Calvary}.] (Anat.) The bones of the cranium; more especially, the bones of the domelike upper portion. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Calvaria — can refer to any of the following: * Latin name of Calvary, the site of Jesus s crucifixion * Kalwaria or Kalvarija, towns named after Calvary * A portion of the skull lacking the mandible and the face. The plural is calvariae . See calvaria… …   Wikipedia

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  • Calvaria — Calvarium Un calvarium, en anatomie et plus particulièrement en ostéologie, désigne un crâne sans mandibule ou sans mandibule et sans face. Il s agit des os de la voûte crânienne, à savoir : l os frontal, les deux os pariétaux, les deux os… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • calvaria — The upper domelike portion of the skull. SYN: roof of skull, skullcap. [L. a skull] * * * cal·var·ia kal var ē ə n, pl i·ae ē .ē, ē .ī CALVARIUM * * * n. the vault of the skul …   Medical dictionary

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