Claymore mine

Claymore mine
Claymore mine Clay"more mine` (kl[=a]"m[=o]r m[imac]n`), n. (Mil.) an antipersonnel land mine designed to produce a high-velocity spray of steel fragments in a relatively narrow fan-shaped cone, directed toward the enemy. They are usually detonated by an electrical remote control. [PJC] ||

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • claymore mine — noun an antipersonnel land mine whose blast is aimed at the oncoming enemy • Syn: ↑claymore • Hypernyms: ↑land mine, ↑ground emplaced mine, ↑booby trap * * * noun Etymology: perhaps from claymore …   Useful english dictionary

  • claymore mine — mine that produces a fan shaped directed explosion when detonated …   English contemporary dictionary

  • claymore mine — clay′more mine n. mil an antipersonnel mine designed to produce a fan shaped pattern of fragments • Etymology: 1965–70; perh. after claymore …   From formal English to slang

  • claymore mine — noun Etymology: probably from claymore Date: 1961 a usually electrically fired land mine containing steel fragments that are discharged in a predetermined direction …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • claymore mine — Mil. an antipersonnel mine designed to produce a direction guided, fan shaped pattern of fragments. [1965 70; perh. after CLAYMORE] * * * …   Universalium

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  • Claymore (Épée) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Claymore. Réplique d une claymore Une claymore est une large et grande épée …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • claymore — noun /ˈkleɪmɔːɹ/ a) The large two handed broadsword used by the Scottish Highlanders. b) A claymore mine …   Wiktionary

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