- Drowth
- Drowth \Drowth\, n. See {Drought}. --Bacon. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
drowth — drowte, drowth obs. var. drought … Useful english dictionary
drought — /drowt/, n. 1. a period of dry weather, esp. a long one that is injurious to crops. 2. an extended shortage: a drought of good writing. 3. Archaic. thirst. Also, drouth /drowth/. [bef. 1000; ME; OE drugath, equiv. to drug (base of dryge DRY) +… … Universalium
Recueil de danses — Un recueil de danses est une publication (ou un manuscrit) comportant une collection de danses pratiquées à une époque donnée. On y trouve généralement la partition musicale et, dans le meilleur des cas, la description des danses. Jusqu à la fin… … Wikipédia en Français
drouth — /draʊθ/ (say drowth) noun 1. Poetic a drought. 2. Archaic thirst. {Old English drugaþ, related to drȳge dry} –drouthy, adjective …
drouth — n. Sc., Ir., US, & poet. var. of DROUGHT. * * * noun 1. a shortage of rainfall farmers most affected by the drought hope that there may yet be sufficient rain early in the growing season • Syn: ↑drought • Hypernyms: ↑dryness, ↑waterlessness,… … Useful english dictionary
drowte — drowte, drowth obs. var. drought … Useful english dictionary