Duplex telegraphy

Duplex telegraphy
Duplex Du"plex, a. [L., fr. duo two + plicare to fold. See {Two}, and {Complex}.] 1. Double; twofold. [1913 Webster]

2. (Computers) organized so that data may be transmitted in two opposite directions over the same channel; -- of communications channels, such as data transfer lines between computers. [PJC]

{Duplex escapement}, a peculiar kind of watch escapement, in which the scape-wheel has two sets of teeth. See {Escapement}.

{Duplex lathe}, one for turning off, screwing, and surfacing, by means of two cutting tools, on opposite sides of the piece operated upon.

{Duplex pumping engine}, a steam pump in which two steam cylinders are placed side by side, one operating the valves of the other.

{Duplex querela} [L., double complaint] (Eccl. Law), a complaint in the nature of an appeal from the ordinary to his immediate superior, as from a bishop to an archbishop. --Mozley & W.

{Duplex telegraphy}, a system of telegraphy for sending two messages over the same wire simultaneously.

{Duplex watch}, one with a duplex escapement.

{half duplex} (Computers) (a) arranged so that the information may be transmitted in both directions, but only in one direction at a time; -- of communications channels between computers; contrasted with {full duplex(a)}. (b) arranged so that the information transmitted to the remote computer also appears on the local terminal; -- of communications channels between computers; contrasted with {full duplex(b)}.

{full duplex}, (Computers) (a) arranged so that the information may be transmitted in both directions simultaneously; -- of communications channels between computers; contrasted with {half duplex(a)}. (b) arranged so that the information transmitted to the remote computer does not appear on the local terminal; -- of communications channels between computers; contrasted with {half duplex(b)}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Duplex — Du plex, a. [L., fr. duo two + plicare to fold. See {Two}, and {Complex}.] 1. Double; twofold. [1913 Webster] 2. (Computers) organized so that data may be transmitted in two opposite directions over the same channel; of communications channels,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Duplex escapement — Duplex Du plex, a. [L., fr. duo two + plicare to fold. See {Two}, and {Complex}.] 1. Double; twofold. [1913 Webster] 2. (Computers) organized so that data may be transmitted in two opposite directions over the same channel; of communications… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Duplex lathe — Duplex Du plex, a. [L., fr. duo two + plicare to fold. See {Two}, and {Complex}.] 1. Double; twofold. [1913 Webster] 2. (Computers) organized so that data may be transmitted in two opposite directions over the same channel; of communications… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Duplex pumping engine — Duplex Du plex, a. [L., fr. duo two + plicare to fold. See {Two}, and {Complex}.] 1. Double; twofold. [1913 Webster] 2. (Computers) organized so that data may be transmitted in two opposite directions over the same channel; of communications… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Duplex querela — Duplex Du plex, a. [L., fr. duo two + plicare to fold. See {Two}, and {Complex}.] 1. Double; twofold. [1913 Webster] 2. (Computers) organized so that data may be transmitted in two opposite directions over the same channel; of communications… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Duplex watch — Duplex Du plex, a. [L., fr. duo two + plicare to fold. See {Two}, and {Complex}.] 1. Double; twofold. [1913 Webster] 2. (Computers) organized so that data may be transmitted in two opposite directions over the same channel; of communications… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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