Elohist — [e′lō hist΄, e lō′hist] n. the unknown author of those parts of the Hebrew scriptures in which the name Elohim, instead of Yahweh (Jehovah), is used for God: see YAHWIST Elohistic [el΄ō his′tik] adj … English World dictionary
Elohist — The Elohist (E) is one of four sources of the Torah described by the Documentary Hypothesis. Its name comes from the term it uses for God: Elohim. It portrays a God who is less anthropomorphic than YHWH of the earlier Jahwist source ( J ).Harris … Wikipedia
Elohist — Der Begriff Elohist (abgekürzt: E) bezeichnet in der historisch kritischen Bibelwissenschaft den hypothetischen Autor einer der Quellenschriften, die in den fünf Büchern Mose, dem so genannten Pentateuch, verarbeitet worden sein sollen. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Elohist — Elohistic, adj. /e loh hist, el oh /, n. a writer of one of the major sources of the Hexateuch, in which God is characteristically referred to as Elohim rather than Yahweh. Cf. Yahwist. [1860 65; < Heb eloah God + IST] * * * … Universalium
Elohist — Elohịst der, en, Bezeichnung für eine biblische Quellenschrift im Pentateuch … Universal-Lexikon
ELOHIST — a name given by the critics to the presumed author of the earlier part of the Pentateuch, whose work in it they allege is distinguished by the use of the word Elohim for God; he is to be distinguished from the Jehovist, the presumed author of… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Elohist — Elo|hist der; en <zu ↑...ist> eine der Quellenschriften des ↑Pentateuchs (nach ihrem Gebrauch von 1Elohim für Gott); vgl. ↑Jahwist … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
ELOHIST — term used by scholars of the HEBREW BIBLE to refer to the literary TRADITION within the text which is believed to be characterized by the use of Elohim as a name for GOD … Concise dictionary of Religion
elohist — elo·hist … English syllables
Elohist — E•lo•hist [[t]ɛˈloʊ hɪst, ˈɛl oʊ [/t]] n. jud bib a writer of one of the major sources of the Hexateuch, in which God is characteristically referred to as Elohim rather than Yahweh Compare Yahwist • Etymology: 1860–65 El o•his′tic, adj … From formal English to slang