ergot — ergot … Dictionnaire des rimes
ergot — [ ɛrgo ] n. m. • argoz plur. 1160; origine inconnue I ♦ Production cornée derrière la patte de quelques animaux. ⇒ éperon. 1 ♦ Chez les gallinacés mâles, Pointe recourbée du tarse, doigt abortif servant d arme offensive. Les ergots du coq. « Le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ergot — could be called a cereal killer for it comes from cereals such as rye and wheat and is quite capable of killing someone. A fungus (Claviceps purpurea) that contaminates rye and wheat produces substances (alkaloids) termed ergotamines. Ergotamines … Medical dictionary
ergot — ergót s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic ERGÓT s. n. 1. formaţie vegetală parazitară, veninoasă, sub formă de mici puncte pe spicul unor graminee. 2. boală criptogamică a cerealelor (secara), caracterizată prin… … Dicționar Român
ergot — fungal disease of rye and other grasses, 1680s, from Fr. ergot, from O.Fr. argot cock s spur (12c.), of unknown origin. The blight so called from the shape the fungus forms on the diseased grain. Ergotism disease caused by eating ergot infected… … Etymology dictionary
ergot — èrgot m DEFINICIJA 1. bot. ražena gljivica 2. pat. guka na koljenu (bolest konja) ETIMOLOGIJA fr. ergot … Hrvatski jezični portal
Ergot — Ergot, so v.w. Mutterkorn. Daher Ergotīn, Bestandtheil des Mutterkorns (Secale cornutum) u. wahrscheinlich der narkotisch wirksame. Es ist ein braunrothes, in Äther unlösliches, in Wasser schwer u. in Alkohol leichter lösliches Pulver von bitterm … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Ergot — Ergot, Ergotin, s. Mutterkorn … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
ergot — Ergot, m. acut. voyez Argot et Herigoté … Thresor de la langue françoyse
ergot — [ʉr′gət, ʉrgät΄] n. [Fr < OFr argot, a rooster s spur, hence (from the shape) the disease growth in the plant] 1. the hard, reddish brown or black, grainlike masses (sclerotia) of certain parasitic fungi (esp. genus Claviceps) that replace the … English World dictionary