friburgh — /friybsrg/ (Also, Frithborg, Frithborgh, Friborg, Froborg, and Freoburgh.) (Sax.) A kind of frankpledge whereby the principal men were bound for themselves and servants … Black's law dictionary
friburgh — /friybsrg/ (Also, Frithborg, Frithborgh, Friborg, Froborg, and Freoburgh.) (Sax.) A kind of frankpledge whereby the principal men were bound for themselves and servants … Black's law dictionary
frankpledge — Friborg Fri borg, Friborgh Fri borgh, n. [AS. fri[eth]borh, lit., peace pledge; fri[eth] peace + borh, borg, pledge, akin to E. borrow. The first part of the word was confused with free, the last part, with borough.] (Old Eng. Law) The pledge and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Friborg — Fri borg, Friborgh Fri borgh, n. [AS. fri[eth]borh, lit., peace pledge; fri[eth] peace + borh, borg, pledge, akin to E. borrow. The first part of the word was confused with free, the last part, with borough.] (Old Eng. Law) The pledge and tithing … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Friborgh — Friborg Fri borg, Friborgh Fri borgh, n. [AS. fri[eth]borh, lit., peace pledge; fri[eth] peace + borh, borg, pledge, akin to E. borrow. The first part of the word was confused with free, the last part, with borough.] (Old Eng. Law) The pledge and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fribourg — Friborg Fri borg, Friborgh Fri borgh, n. [AS. fri[eth]borh, lit., peace pledge; fri[eth] peace + borh, borg, pledge, akin to E. borrow. The first part of the word was confused with free, the last part, with borough.] (Old Eng. Law) The pledge and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English