fuglemen — fu·gle·man || fjuËglmÉ™n n. leader and spokesman; (Archaic) soldier posted in front of a military line to serve as a model during drills … English contemporary dictionary
flugelman — Fugleman Fu gle*man, n.; pl. {Fuglemen}. [G. fl[ u]gelmann file leader; fl[ u]gel wing (akin to E. fly) + mann man. Cf. {Flugrelman}.] 1. (Mil.) A soldier especially expert and well drilled, who takes his place in front of a military company, as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fugleman — Fu gle*man, n.; pl. {Fuglemen}. [G. fl[ u]gelmann file leader; fl[ u]gel wing (akin to E. fly) + mann man. Cf. {Flugrelman}.] 1. (Mil.) A soldier especially expert and well drilled, who takes his place in front of a military company, as a guide… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fugleman — /fyooh geuhl meuhn/, n., pl. fuglemen. 1. (formerly) a soldier placed in front of a military company as a good model during training drills. 2. a person who heads a group, company, political party, etc.; a leader or manager. [1795 1805; < G… … Universalium
fugleman — [ fju:g(ə)lmən] noun (plural fuglemen) 1》 historical a soldier who stands in front of a regiment or company to act as a model in demonstrating drilling exercises. 2》 a leader or spokesperson. Origin C19: from Ger. Flügelmann leader of the file … English new terms dictionary
fugleman — /ˈfjugəlmən/ (say fyoohguhlmuhn) noun (plural fuglemen) a well drilled soldier placed in front of a military company as a model for others. {German Flügelmann, literally, wing man} …
fugleman — [fyo͞o′gəl mən] n. pl. fuglemen [fyo͞o′gəlmən] [altered by dissimilation < Ger flügelmann, file leader, lit., wing man < flügel, wing + mann, man] 1. Historical a soldier expert in drilling, detailed to stand at the head of a unit and serve … English World dictionary