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grandiloquence — [ grɑ̃dilɔkɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1544, repris 1859; lat. grandiloquus, de grandis « sublime » et loqui « parler », d apr. éloquence ♦ Éloquence ou style affecté, qui abuse des grands mots et des effets faciles. ⇒ emphase. « la grandiloquence et l excès… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Grandiloquence — is speech or writing marked by pompous or bombastic diction. [ [ Grandiloquence] ] It is a combination of Latin word grandis (great) and loqui (to speak). [… … Wikipedia
grandiloquence — index bombast, declamation, peroration, rhetoric (insincere language) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
grandiloquence — 1580s, from L. grandiloquentia, from grandiloquus using lofty speech, bombastic, from grandis big (see GRAND (Cf. grand) (adj.)) + loquus speaking, from loqui to speak (see LOCUTION (Cf. locution)) … Etymology dictionary
grandiloquence — (entrée créée par le supplément) (gran di lo kan s ) s. f. Parole pompeuse. • Je crois que c est vous mêmes, messieurs, qui vous mystifiez par votre fausse métaphysique et votre grandiloquence, PROUDHON les Majorats littéraires, p. 14, Paris,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
grandiloquence — grandiloquent ► ADJECTIVE ▪ pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner. DERIVATIVES grandiloquence noun grandiloquently adverb. ORIGIN Latin grandiloquus grand speaking … English terms dictionary
grandiloquence — noun Etymology: probably from Middle French, from Latin grandiloquus using lofty language, from grandis + loqui to speak Date: 1589 a lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially in language •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
GRANDILOQUENCE — n. f. Abus des grands mots dans le discours, éloquence boursouflée … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
grandiloquence — /gran dil euh kweuhns/, n. speech that is lofty in tone, often to the point of being pompous or bombastic. [1580 90; < L grandiloqu(us) speaking loftily (grandi(s) great + loquus speaking) + ENCE] * * * … Universalium
grandiloquence — noun lofty, pompous or bombastic speech or writing See Also: grandiloquent … Wiktionary