Gravy — Gravy. Un plato de American biscuits y gravy … Wikipedia Español
Gravy — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Claudia Gravy (* 1945), kongolesisch spanische Schauspielerin Wavy Gravy (* 1936), US amerikanischer Aktivist Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit dems … Deutsch Wikipedia
gravy — UK US /ˈgreɪvi/ noun [U] INFORMAL ► money that you receive without much effort: »The company directors will mop up most of the gravy. ► a situation in which it is easy to make money or to enjoy a comfortable life without much effort: »I can… … Financial and business terms
gravy — (n.) late 14c. (early 14c. in Anglo French), from O.Fr. grané (with n misread for u the character used for v in medial positions in words in medieval manuscripts) sauce, stew, probably originally properly grained, seasoned, from L. granum grain,… … Etymology dictionary
gravy — ► NOUN (pl. gravies) 1) the fat and juices that come out of meat during cooking. 2) a sauce made from these juices together with stock and other ingredients. 3) informal unearned or unexpected money. ORIGIN perhaps from a misreading (as gravé) of … English terms dictionary
gravy — [grā′vē] n. pl. gravies [ME grave, ? a misreading of OFr grané < ? grain, used as a name for cooking ingredients] 1. the juice given off by meat in cooking 2. a sauce made by combining this juice with flour, seasoning, etc. ☆ 3. Slang a) money … English World dictionary
Gravy — For other uses, see Gravy (disambiguation). Gravy can be served in a pitcher or gravy boat … Wikipedia
gravy — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. sauce, dressing; slang, profit, graft. See food, increase. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. sauce, dressing, brown gravy, white gravy, milk gravy, pan gravy, meat gravy, juice, white sauce, butter sauce. III… … English dictionary for students
gravy — n. (pl. ies) 1 a the juices exuding from meat during and after cooking. b a dressing or sauce for food, made from these or from other materials, e.g. stock. 2 sl. unearned or unexpected money. Phrases and idioms: gravy boat a boat shaped vessel… … Useful english dictionary
gravy — noun a) A thick sauce made from the fat or juices that come out from meat or vegetables as they are being cooked. The first thousand tickets and the concessions cover the venue and the band. The rest is gravy. b) A type of gravy … Wiktionary