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harvestless — har·vest·less … English syllables
harvestless — ˈhärvə̇stlə̇s adjective : lacking a harvest : unproductive … Useful english dictionary
harvest — harvestable, adj. harvestability, n. harvestless, adj. /hahr vist/, n. 1. Also, harvesting. the gathering of crops. 2. the season when ripened crops are gathered. 3. a crop or yield of one growing season. 4. a supply of anything gathered at… … Universalium
harvest — /ˈhavəst / (say hahvuhst) noun 1. the gathering of crops. 2. the season of gathering ripened crops, especially of grain. 3. a crop or yield, as of grain. 4. a supply of anything gathered at maturity and stored up: a harvest of nuts. 5. the… …