heteroecism — noun see heteroecious I * * * heteroecious /het euh ree sheuhs/, adj. heteroeciously, adv. /het euh ree siz euhm/, n. Biol. the development of different stages of a parasitic species on different host plants. [1870 75; HETER + Gk oik(ía) house +… … Useful english dictionary
heteroecism — noun see heteroecious … New Collegiate Dictionary
heteroecism — heteroecious /het euh ree sheuhs/, adj. heteroeciously, adv. /het euh ree siz euhm/, n. Biol. the development of different stages of a parasitic species on different host plants. [1870 75; HETER + Gk oik(ía) house + ISM] * * * … Universalium
heteroecism — n. state of being heteroecious (Biology) … English contemporary dictionary
heteroecism — het·er·oe·cism … English syllables
heteroecism — het•er•oe•cism [[t]ˌhɛt əˈri sɪz əm[/t]] n. dvl the development of different stages of a parasitic species on different host plants • Etymology: 1870–75; heter + Gk oik(ía) house + ism het er•oe′cious ʃəs adj … From formal English to slang
heteroecism — /hɛtəˈrisɪzəm/ (say hetuh reesizuhm) noun the development of different stages of a parasitic species on different host plants, as in fungi …
heteroecious — adjective Etymology: heter + Greek oikia house more at vicinity Date: 1882 passing through the different stages in the life cycle on alternate and often unrelated hosts < heteroecious aphids > • heteroecism noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Heinrich Anton de Bary — Anton de Bary Heinrich Anton de Bary (26 January 1831 – 19 January 1888) was a German surgeon, botanist, microbiologist, and mycologist (fungal systematics and physiology). He is considered a founding father of plant pathology (phytopathology) as … Wikipedia
Congres de botanique — Congrès de botanique Les congrès internationaux de botanique ont été des moments forts pour l’organisation de la recherche scientifique. Ils permirent notamment l’adoption des règles de nomenclature. Sommaire 1 Les premiers congrès 1.1 Bruxelles … Wikipédia en Français