I I ([imac]), pron. [poss. {My} (m[imac]) or {Mine} (m[imac]n); object. {Me} (m[=e]). pl. nom. {We} (w[=e]); poss. {Our} (our) or {Ours} (ourz); object. {Us} ([u^]s).] [OE. i, ich, ic, AS. ic; akin to OS. & D. ik, OHG. ih, G. ich, Icel. ek, Dan. jeg, Sw. jag, Goth. ik, OSlav. az', Russ. ia, W. i, L. ego, Gr. 'egw`, 'egw`n, Skr. aham. [root]179. Cf. {Egoism}.] The nominative case of the pronoun of the first person; the word with which a speaker or writer denotes himself. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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