
Ido I"do ([=e]"d[=o]), n. An artificial international language, selected by the ``Delegation for the Adoption of an Auxillary International Language'' (founded at Paris in 1901), made public in 1907, and subsequently greatly revised and extended by a permanent committee or ``Academy.'' It is a revised and simplified form of {Esperanto}. It combines systematically the advantages of previous schemes with a thoroughly logical word formation, and has neither accented constants nor arbitrarily coined pronominal words. For each idea that root is selected which is already most international, on the principle of the ``greatest facility for the greatest number of people.'' The word ``Ido'' means in the language itself ``offspring.'' The official name is: ``Linguo Internaciona di la Delegitaro (Sistema Ido).'' -- {I"dism}, n. -- {I"dist}, n. [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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