infarct — INFÁRCT, infarcte, s.n. Boală care constă în distrugerea unui organ sau a unei părţi dintr un organ ca urmare a astupării unei artere sau a unei vene terminale. ♢ Infarct miocardic = boală datorată producerii infarctului în miocard, în urma… … Dicționar Român
Infarct — Infarct, 1) Stockung von Säften in Gefäßen u. Kanälen des Körpers in Folge von Verdickung u. Verschleimung der Flüssigkeiten zumal im Pfortadersystem u. anderen Theilen des Unterleibes; 2) (Engorgement), Erfüllung der Blutgefäße mit stockendem… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
infarct — (n.) 1873, from medical L. infarctus (L. infartus), pp. of infarcire to stuff into, from in + farcire “to stuff” (see FARCE (Cf. farce)) … Etymology dictionary
infarct — [in färkt′] n. [ML infarctus, for L infartus, pp. of infarcire < in , in + farcire, to stuff: see FARCE] an area of dying or dead tissue resulting from inadequate blood flow through blood vessels normally supplying the part … English World dictionary
Infarct — An area of tissue death due to a local lack of oxygen. For example, in a myocardial infarction there is death of myocardial (heart muscle) tissue due to sudden (acute) deprivation of circulating blood. This is usually caused by arteriosclerosis… … Medical dictionary
Infarct Combat Project — The Infarct Combat Project (ICP) is an international nonprofit organization founded in 1998 to fight ischemic heart diseases through education and research.External links* [ Infarct Combat Project] … Wikipedia
infarct of Zahn — an area of reddish blue discoloration in the liver, with stasis and hepatocellular atrophy, seen following occlusion of an intrahepatic branch of the portal vein; not a true infarct, because there is no necrosis … Medical dictionary
infarct — noun Etymology: Latin infarctus, past participle of infarcire to stuff, from in + farcire to stuff Date: 1873 an area of necrosis in a tissue or organ resulting from obstruction of the local circulation by a thrombus or embolus • infarcted… … New Collegiate Dictionary
infarct — infarcted, adj. /in fahrkt , in fahrkt /, n. Pathol. a localized area of tissue, as in the heart or kidney, that is dying or dead, having been deprived of its blood supply because of an obstruction by embolism or thrombosis. [1870 75; < NL… … Universalium
infarct — noun an area of dead tissue caused by a loss of blood supply; a localized necrosis … Wiktionary