
Intermontane In`ter*mon"tane, a. [Pref. inter- + L. montanus belonging to a mountain, fr. mons, montis, mountain.] Between mountains; as, intermontane soil. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • intermontane — ☆ intermontane [in΄tər män′tān΄, in΄tərmän tān′ ] adj. [< INTER + L montanus, of a mountain < mons (gen. montis), MOUNTAIN] between or among mountains: also intermountain [in′tər mount΄ n, in΄tər mount′ n] …   English World dictionary

  • Intermontane — In geography, an intermontane is a feature that lies between mountains. The term refers to plateaus and basins formed by geologic processes. Intermontane plateaus are usually flat open highlands formed when land has been uplifted by tectonic… …   Wikipedia

  • intermontane — or intermont adjective Etymology: Latin mont , mons mount Date: 1807 situated between mountains < an intermontane basin > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • intermontane — /in teuhr mon tayn/, adj. located between mountains or mountain ranges: an intermontane lake. Also, intermountain /in teuhr mown tn/. [1800 10, Amer.; < L inter INTER + montanus, equiv. to mont (s. of mons) MOUNT2 + anus ANE] * * * …   Universalium

  • intermontane — in•ter•mon•tane [[t]ˌɪn tərˈmɒn teɪn[/t]] adj. ecl geo located between mountains or mountain ranges: an intermontane lake[/ex] Sometimes, in ter•moun′tain [[t] ˈmaʊn tn[/t]] Etymology: 1800–10; < L inter inter +mont , mōns mount II …   From formal English to slang

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  • Intermontane Plate — The Intermontane Plate was an ancient oceanic tectonic plate, that lay on the west coast of North America about 195 million years ago. The Intermontane Plate had a chain of volcanic islands called the Intermontane Islands. The Intermontane… …   Wikipedia

  • Intermontane Islands — The Intermontane Islands were a giant chain of active volcanic islands somewhere out in the Pacific Ocean during the Triassic time beginning around 245 million years ago. The giant chain of islands were 600 to convert|800|mi|km long and rode atop …   Wikipedia

  • Intermontane Trench — The Intermontane Trench was an ancient oceanic trench during the Triassic time. The trench was probably 600 to 800 miles long running along the west coast of North America. The ocean that the trench was located in was called the Slide Mountain… …   Wikipedia

  • Intermontane Plateaus — Physiographic regions of the U.S. Interior See:legend For purposes of description, the physical geography of the United States is split into several major physiographic divisions, one being the Intermontane Plateaus. Please refer to the Geography …   Wikipedia

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