
Kick Kick (k[i^]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Kicked} (k[i^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Kicking}.] [W. cicio, fr. cic foot.] 1. To strike, thrust, or hit violently with the foot; as, a horse kicks a groom; a man kicks a dog. [1913 Webster]

He [Frederick the Great] kicked the shins of his judges. --Macaulay. [1913 Webster]

2. To evict or remove from a place or position, usually with out or off; as, they kicked him off the staff; he was kicked out of the restaurant; the landlord kicked them out of the apartment for making too much noise. [PJC]

3. (Sport) To score (goals or points) by kicking; as, they kicked three field goals in the game. [PJC]

4. To discontinue; -- usually used of habitual activities; as, to kick a habit; he kicked his drug habit. [PJC]

{To kick the beam}, to fit up and strike the beam; -- said of the lighter arm of a loaded balance; hence, to be found wanting in weight. --Milton.

{To kick the bucket}, to lose one's life; to die. [Colloq. & Low]

{To kick oneself}, to experience strong regret; as, he kicked himself for not investing in the stock market in 1995. [1913 Webster +PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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