talaje — Argas Ar gas, n. A genus of venomous ticks which attack men and animals. The famous Persian Argas, also called {Miana bug}, is {Argas Persicus}; that of Central America, called {talaje} by the natives, is {Argas Talaje}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Argas — Ar gas, n. A genus of venomous ticks which attack men and animals. The famous Persian Argas, also called {Miana bug}, is {Argas Persicus}; that of Central America, called {talaje} by the natives, is {Argas Talaje}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Argas Persicus — Argas Ar gas, n. A genus of venomous ticks which attack men and animals. The famous Persian Argas, also called {Miana bug}, is {Argas Persicus}; that of Central America, called {talaje} by the natives, is {Argas Talaje}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Miana bug — Argas Ar gas, n. A genus of venomous ticks which attack men and animals. The famous Persian Argas, also called {Miana bug}, is {Argas Persicus}; that of Central America, called {talaje} by the natives, is {Argas Talaje}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ПЕРЕНОСЧИКИ — ПЕРЕНОСЧИКИ, живые посредники в деле распространения инфекций и инвазий. Распространение возбудителей инвазий и инфекций в большом количестве случаев происходит при прямом или косвенном посредничестве животных. Последние получают возбудителя из… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
Rückfallfieber — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 A68 Rückfallfieber A68.0 Durch Läuse übertragenes Rückfallfieber Rückfallfieber durch Borrelia recurrentis … Deutsch Wikipedia